Corporate Welfare

Your billions are handed out to corporations:

Subsidies are handed to farmers for them to grow and not sell their wares.

In addition, subsidies are handed out not by need, but by acreage so that the wealthy get more. Wealthy individuals that own farms or ranches who get handouts include:

  1. Billionaire David Rockefeller
  2. Former U.S. Senator Bob Dole
  3. Billionaire Charles Schwab
  4. Chicago Buls star Scottie Pippen
  5. TV anchorman Sam Donaldson
  6. Billionaire Ted Turner

Water subsidies allow farmers to grow high-water crops like cotton and rice in California rather than drought-tolerate crops. During drought, you flush your toilet with bath water while farmers flood their crops. Consider that the 7-year drought in the 70's when there were 2 million in the Bay Area, and now there are over 10 million.

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